I need to be scolded during a,spanking, and to admit clearly several times during my spanking that I deserve every single spank, and thank my spanker sincerely. Then go right to my spanking corner, be still and never touch my bottom. Spankings have improved my behavior and to do just what,I,am told. It is good for me!
I guess a lot of spankos like the "first-time" thing, which I don't care about and, like a lot of spanking videos, the "play-by-play" and "progress" narration is obviously pandering to the fetish audience (therefore, it's less "realistic")... but all of that is "just me." This is an excellent video! ... regardless of my "issues."
One of the best spanking videos ever! Simple action, no porno shit and the spankee behaves like she really didn't know what she had coming. Good topping as well, would love to be over her knee!